Saturday, April 7, 2012

18 weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks 
Total weight gain: More than 3 lbs by now I'm sure - we don't own a scale so I have no clue until our next appointment.
Maternity clothes? Tights, dresses and a couple pairs of maternity pants.
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: Pretty good, having some lower back pain/comfort issues but otherwise it's good.
Best moment this week: Feeling the BABY MOVE!! Especially when the Bean started rolling during praise and worship at church on Sunday! So cool!
Miss Anything?  Ability to function/move at full capacity, not having to pee every 10 minutes
Movement: YES! Very subtle to begin with but now I'm feeling the Bean moving and a grooving at random time during the day!
Food cravings:Fruit Popsicles, fruit, veggies, salad, salty things - French fries!
Anything making you queasy or sick: left over dishes in the sink, yucky smells
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Lower back pain at night, very hungry, tighter clothes
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty good most of the time, few incidents of weepier / short tempered moments but mostly balanced though! 
Looking forward to: Finishing up registering & The Beans quilt! 
This has been such a cool week in the baby growing business. Now that my belly has popped out and I'm starting to feel the baby move it's becoming so much more real! Mr. B has been talking to the Bean and the baby consistently flips and moves when it hears Mr. B's voice. It's the coolest sweetest thing! I'm pumped to finish getting registered in the next week or so - get all our goodies picked out and then it'll just be counting down the days till the Bean arrives. :o)

Now that we've finally gotten our taxes done we're back into baby registering and apartment cleaning/purging full swing. While we didn't get as much spring cleaning done today as I wanted we did make a sizable dent in the mess we've been living in. Not gross stuff mind you, but just clutter from where we dump our days stuff and don't have the energy to put away! It's nice to get stuff put away again - and I complete reorganized the kitchen which made me feel super great! 
I am so blessed, God is so great all that time. :o) 

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled to see that you felt Bean move! Truly a miracle! How can anybody doubt God? Blessings to you!


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