Wednesday, August 15, 2012

9 Months

How far along? 38 Weeks 
Total weight gain: 35 (+-) lbs
Maternity clothes? Basically anything I can get on these days! Getting so big even my "maternity" clothes are getting tight!
Stretch marks? Over the hips
Sleep: Meh, comes & goes depending on the night.
Best moment this week: Having everything put together and cleaned up for Baby's arrival. :o) Spending quality time with my lover before we become a family of 3! 
Miss Anything? Bending over,walking up stairs without huffing and puffing, regular clothes and being able to get off the couch on my own.
Movement: YES! More consistent intervals - somewhat uncomfortable right now since Bean's running out of room... but I'm enjoying it while it lasts since I know it's almost over. 
Food cravings: Fruits and Veggies, candy
Anything making you queasy or sick: not currently- Praise God!
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Few contractions here and there but nothing consistent yet.
Symptoms: Lower back pain/hip pain at night, tighter clothes, difficulty getting up and down, belly movement, shortness of breath, swelling,  10908x trips to the bathroom throughout the day!
Belly Button in or out? In... looking as if it wants to creep out but it's staying in Praise God! 
Wedding rings on or off? Off :( Very anxious to be able to wear it again.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super excited and slightly nervous. Could be any day now! 
Looking forward to: Baby Bean's Arrival!!!! <3 and="and" else="else" everything="everything" font="font" go="go" is="is" just="just" nbsp="nbsp" now="now" ready="ready" to="to" wait.......="wait......." we="we">

I just can't believe it's August and I'm already 38 weeks - everyone is anxious for Beans arrival. I'm getting daily check - in's from friends and family. Mr. B & I are super excited and ready to meet our little one... waiting gets hard when you've got no control over it. lol. 

So I'm just hanging out and waiting ... and waiting.... and waiting. :o) 

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