Saturday, August 11, 2012

Up waaaaay to early

Up at 6 am on a Saturday - a Saturday mind you that my husband doesn't have to be anywhere and we could sleep in and just snuggle to our hearts content. Sigh - my body would not let me lie there anymore. Between Bean deciding 6 am is a great time to do Zumba and my back aching it was time for me to get up for a while. Just another one of those things that will change once Bean makes it's appearance here in a few weeks.. :o)

I'm really not complaining, the pregnancy has been such a blessing and I'm a little sad it's almost over. I know there are a TON of firsts headed our way but I'll never be pregnant for the first time again. I praise God for such a smooth pregnancy, no complications or sickness and the fact that I've been able to work right up until the end. God is good all the time and I praise him for watching over us. God gets all the Glory - it's his Bean anyway!! :o)

Mr. B & I have gotten just about everything "ready" for Bean's arrival. Clothes are washed, bags are packed - diapers are ready. Now we just wait...... which is harder that I expected. I'm a little bit of a planner and so we've been knocking things off my "to do" list for weeks preparing and now here we are at the end and my list is complete. :o) I'm going to try and practice this "resting" thing everyone keeps telling me about  - - - though it's hard to "rest" when your body won't allow you to stay in the same position for longer than 30 minutes. lol. I am taking it easy and just hanging out, not pushing myself to much.

Well, just some random thoughts running through my head - - since I was up anyway thought I'd sneak in another post! lol. Enjoy this picture my friend Lisa took of my big ole Belly last week!! <3 br="br">


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