Thursday, August 9, 2012


Well hello there August.

I can't believe you are finally here - I've anxiously awaited your arrival for 9 super fast months. I wish I could say the past 9 months have just crept by but boy howdy did they fly super fast. It probably helped that I stayed busy with work and other activities. Now that you have arrived I'm super excited and just a tad nervous about my sweet Baby Bean finally making it's appearance into the world.

Mr. B & I are both super excited about holding our sweet Bean and watching the awesome person it will become! The bed is together, the clothes are washed, toys are put away, house is clean and bags are packed! For all intents and purposes we are ready to rock and roll... now we just wait until Baby Bean decides it's ready to evacuate my tummy and head into the world.

Had a Dr.'s appointment early this week - baby Bean is head down (& has been for 2 weeks now) and I haven't made any progress towards delivery. I'll go back on Monday for my next check up! Dr. says everything looks good and I'm moving right along! 

Officially on Baby Bean watch!! <3 br="br">

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