Saturday, August 18, 2012

Aug. 18th

Today is my Papaw's birthday.

He's been gone for 28 years now (he died the Feb before I was born) - secretly I had hoped (as had the rest of the family) that Baby Bean would make an appearance today. It would have been a sweet surprise for my Baby Bean to share a birthday with my Papaw. While I've had several contractions throughout the day - none are consistent and are not progressing in intensity or frequency.

God knows the exact date my sweet Bean will arrive and until then I'm patiently waiting as best I can. Mr. B & I are both anxious and excited for Bean to join us ... a little scary knowing that we are at the end of this pregnancy and literally at any given moment I could go into labor.

I go from being super excited and ready to tackle anything to terrified and in tears wondering how I'll do this. Which I know from friends experiences and what the books tell you that emotions are all over the place right now and it's totally normal. Thankfully I have a sweet sweet husband who has been a constant rock and joy. 

Waiting is hard. Especially when you're excited to finally hold the small person you've been carrying around for 9 months and because I'd really like to be able to stand/sit/lay comfortably again. :o)

Tomorrow is a new day - we'll see if Bean holds out till the 30th or if it comes early!!

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