Thursday, August 23, 2012


waiting is tough.

We are READY for Bean to arrive, to bad I still have another week before my "due date" and another 2 after that for my induction if Bean decides to hang tight until then. Though I was already progressing some at my appointment on Monday and over the past few days Bean has dropped considerably lower in my belly - it's putting a lot of pressure of my pelvic bone which is not so pleasant.

Mom & Mamaw are currently on their way to KC - even though I'm not in labor yet they just couldn't wait any longer. Both have been chomping at the bit for over two weeks now so it's probably better they just came on up. :o) Everyone is anxious and excited for Baby Bean's arrival.

Mr. B & I are ready and excited. 9 months (really 10 if you count all the way up to 40 weeks) is a long time to wait to meet our sweet little one. I can't believe we're at the end and that soon we'll have a sweet baby to love on. I miss working though - this week has been tough just hanging out waiting for Bean's arrival - though every day it's been harder and harder to get around so it's a good thing I stopped when I did. God knew what he was doing with the timing and promptings! He's so good all the time!!

I started on a new crafty project today - fabric letters for play - I made them out of left over mickey mouse material I had used for my nephews gift from last year. They are rough but super cute - I plan to finish them up tomorrow. At least it gives me something I can sit and do without putting forth to much effort. :o)

Off to do a little snuggling with my love while we wait for Mom & Mamaw to arrive. G'night.

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