Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting closer .....

Every day we get a little bit closer. We are now 3 days from our projected "due date" (Aug. 30th) - we shall see if Bean decides to make it a little early, on time or late. I know Bean's grandma and mamaw are anxiously ready for Bean to arrive, they won't stop harassing me about it. :o) Everyone is just super excited.

I'm not allowed to do much these days, except go walk, eat spicy things and try and get this baby out. To which I reply Bean is not even late yet.... so everyone needs to relax. I'm just a little tired of people constantly asking "any pains?", and then getting frustrated when I'm not making progress. I know peoples hearts are in the right place and they are just excited but sometimes it feels like pressure to me to "perform" and deliver this baby on cue. Which isn't going to happen. sigh. God has his own timing and Bean will come when Bean decides it's ready. Until then I'm going to try and stay as comfortable as possible and enjoy these last few days of being pregnant.

I'm getting more tired, having more frequent (although not consistent) contractions and am ready to meet my little one. Mr. B is having to do a media thing with the team tonight and I'm anxiously awaiting for him to get back home. I find that when I start having any kind of contraction all I want is for him to be near.. just in case.  He brings me comfort and is a calm port in this crazy storm we've got going on right now.

While we wait for Bean to make it's arrival our anniversary is Wednesday. 3 years and counting of marital bliss (7 years together overall). Couldn't imagine a better life partner or soul mate. He's holds my heart and I am such a lucky lucky girl. I love him! <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Alright. Back to ya know - counting down the minutes. bleh.

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