Monday, December 31, 2012


What a year 2012 has been. We have been so blessed its hard to find the words to express our hearts. :o)

Highlights: *not a complete list*
- Found out we were expecting our first baby & delivered a beautiful baby girl August 30th, 2012!!
- Celebrated 3 years as husband & wife on August 29th!
- Celebrated 7 years together in October!
- Steve completed his third season with UMKC & began his 4th!!
- My business continues to grow & flourish!
- Made 4 trips back to Texas to see the family!
- Celebrated Liberty's first Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas! 

We are so excited to see what 2013 brings for our family! I swear all of my blog posts are just exclamations of how fast life is moving and how I can't get a grip on it! Nothing has changed I still feel like I'm on the fastest Merry Go Round in town and can't make it slow down so I can enjoy it a little more! But, alas - I know it won't slow down so I'm soaking up every single moment I can with my little Liberty Bean and my sweet husband.

My prayer for the next year is that God continues to stretch and grow our family and our faith. We would love to be closer to family - especially now with Liberty here. Though I will say I am so thankful for the "family" that God has given us here in KC. It may have taken us 4 years to build our network but we're thankful we have them.

We wish you a very Happy New Year full of happiness, love, laughter and new adventures. (& hopefully a few more blog posts!)

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