Saturday, December 1, 2012


Whew, where did the last 3 months go?! Between taking care of my girl, starting back to work and the bball season beginning I have not had time to get on here and update! I've been taking notes on a notepad I can later come back and catch everything up - but yeeesh - I've been horrible at this! Though I do have to say that sleep rates higher than updating the blog. hahaha.

Our girl is 3 months old this week! I can't believe how quickly time has gone and how big my girl has gotten. She's 15 lbs now and changing every day! We are so blessed to have such a sweet laid back girl.

For some reason my pictures won't upload - I'll try again later!

We are busy busy getting ready for the holidays - spent Thanksgiving in Texas. Will come back and recap everything - - gotta go change my girl! :o))


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