Friday, January 18, 2013


Things have been moving and a grooving in our neck of the woods. With basketball being in full swing and me working and taking care of our little Doodlebug the days just fly by.....

Speaking of our little Doodlebug, she is now rolling from front to back & back to front and is sitting almost unsupported. I can't believe how quickly she's catching on and how fast she's growing! She is such a sweet girl, she is happy most of the time - the only time she really fusses is when I'm not moving fast enough to feed her or if she's over tired. We are so blessed and I just can't smiling because of it! :o) Our big girl will be 5 months in just over a week. Whew. Someone please tell me how to make her stop growing! Crazy!! <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Working is going well, my kids continue to make great progress and I'm excited for the gains they will make before the end of school. Mr. B is busy with work, we've been having a little bit of a rough season but we aren't out yet! We're praying God's will and direction over the team and over our lives as always.

Mr. B is on the road right now & Doodlebug is sleeping. I'm going to finish up some paper work and then maybe take my girl out and do a little shopping! Wish we had some Grandma's or some family near to go out and about with us!


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