Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's snowing..... again

We've gotten 10 inches of snow in the last 24 hours that is sitting nicely on top of the 8 inches we got last Thursday! It's crazy - our first winter here was ridiculous, we had so much snow but the last two years we barely got any. So having almost 18 inches over the past 5 days is pretty impressive.

All this snow makes me long for the 65 degree days my family is having in Texas - I'd give anything to be wearing my flip flops in February! lol. :o)

The only good thing to come out of all this snow is that my love actually got two snow days where he didn't have to make the trek into work. (PRAISE GOD! - I think sometimes HC forgets not everyone has 4 wheel drive!) In 4 years it's the first time he's actually gotten to enjoy a snow day with me. :o) We had a delicious breakfast, he dug out the cars, watched game film and then I've sorted Lady's clothes to give away/keep for future babies. It's been a busy but lovely day. It's a rare treat to have him to ourselves during the season so Lady & I cherished it all we could.

Things have been going pretty well - we're down to the last two games of the regular season this week & then next weekend is the tournament. Fingers crossed we'll do well & then we'll see what in in store for us. My job is rocking along - I adore my families  & my kiddo's and they are making such great progress it makes my heart super happy!! I'm so blessed to be able to do what I love! <3 p="">
Lady L has been growing up a storm, we're officially into the 9/12 month size range. She's rolling front to back and SCOOTING(!) all over the place, grabbing and picking up small items. She def. notices when we've left a room & is curious about everything. We've been expanding her palate, we've mastered oatmeal cereal - and we're moving on to avocados, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, banana's and a taste of oranges. She's pretty open to anything but gives us lots of funny faces. The only one she's openly gaged on was the sweet potato the first time, but since then she's eaten a few more bites. We're doing more of the Baby Led Weaning which just means instead of all purees we give her tiny bites of the food we're eating. So far so good!

Nothing else much is going on with us. I am longing for a trip home - it's been almost 5 months since we've been to The Republic. Lady L is such a different baby from the last time we were home that it makes me sad. I did get to face(time) my Mamaw & family on Sunday - they had a family cookout and Mom called. It was wonderful to see their faces & hear their voices. Sigh, hopefully now that the season is winding down we'll be able to make a trip North to see his folks & a trip down to the Republic. Oh the Sweet sweet Republic!

Alright, gotta go spend more time with my loves.

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