Sunday, March 10, 2013



So exactly one week ago my loving husband calls me from the road & asks if I want to go to Texas. Of course I'm like well duh! When have you ever known me to turn down an opportunity to head south? He was being sent to do some recruiting down in East Texas and so I tagged along since he would be so close to home.

We only told Mom & Dad we were coming & only because we stay at their house! Unfortunately,  I ruined Mom's plan of flying up to KC on Thursday to surprise me! lol. Oops. :o) Nevertheless. In less than 24 hours we were packed up, schedules canceled and were on our way south! It was a fast but enjoyable trip!

We came in late Monday night, and got up Tuesday morning - Mr. B headed to Tyler to recruit and I went to Mamaw's to surprise her. Only she wasn't home! lol. So I headed up to Aunt S house to visit until I could track her down. They were surprised to see me & Ms. Liberty walk in! Mamaw finally reemerged and was super shocked when she walked in and found us in the living room. :o) Best moment ever! It had been 5 months since we'd seen anyone from home! We spent the morning hanging out with them, rode out to Mamaw's friends house who had been sick to give her some flowers and see her, unfortunately she had passed an hour before we arrived. Made my heart so sad to see my Mamaw loose another friend - but she's no longer in pain and God knew what he was doing. I find the timing of our surprise & her death interesting, God knew my Mamaw would need a surprise on such a sad day.

Our next surprise of the day was at my Dad & Mom's - my nephew and his mom had surprised them last week with being in town so I thought we'd follow suit. I coordinated with my ex-sister in law to bring Memphis over at about the same time! Grandbabie surprise! Apparently with all the surprises Mimi has had over the past week she wasn't to shocked to see us pull up! It was a lovely afternoon visiting and playing with Memphis! :o)

The rest of the time was spent hopping from place to place - we lucked out that I was able to manage our time well so we saw most everyone we wanted. Liberty & I got to spend the night with Mamaw when Mom & Dad took Nathan to Dallas to leave on his senior trip! It was special. :o)

Short trip, quick turn around and we're off again! lol. We got back about 10:45 on Friday evening and immediately all went to bed. I had to work the next day and Mr. B had to leave for the conference tournament (another 5 hour drive - poor Mr. B - he's either been in gyms or cars the past week and a half). As I'm updating they are playing in one of the semi finals. We'll see how it ends - this is the last hoorah for the season  and we are both ready for a little down time.

Alright, girls in bed & I'm not far behind. Many blessings to you.

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