Sunday, September 1, 2013

hello again

So it looks like it's been a few days (....or months - but whatever) since I've been on here. My intention to post at least weekly quickly got pushed to the way side once life got chaotic. Due to the fact things have crazy and it would take me a novel to update you on all the changes I'll just give you the highlights for the whole 3 people who read this blog....

- April: Mr. B lost his coaching position due to the head coach getting fired. In the bball world when the head coach goes they all go. So he's been on the hunt for a new coaching position since early April. We've had a couple of interviews but nothing has opened up for us - it's been a disappointing and rough 6 months. We're still hopeful that God has a place for Mr. B in basketball and in the event he doesn't that he give us clear direction on which way we are suppose to go.

- June/July: Three trips to Texas, one to celebrate the littlest brother's high school graduation - so surreal. I can't believe he's out of high school & onto the real world. lol. Then two bonus trips down to interview for two seperate jobs, neither of which worked out but hey we got to see family and some friends.

- August: Celebrating my sweet girls 1st birthday! I can't believe she's one - this year has just been crazy fast and she is learning so many new thing every day!! She is the sweetest, friendliest girl we know. We are so blessed to have such a sweet loving Doodlebug!!

She is also excited to announce that come February she'll be becoming a big sister! We are very excited and just a tad bit shocked by the news but God is good and babies are blessings.

Trip down to Texas to celebrate baby Henry's baby shower & to celebrate my sweet girls birthday with our Texas friends and family! It was a wonderful party full of laughter, fun and family/friends!

We also had a party here in KC for our friends here on Liberty's actually birthday - it was awesome. Lots of friends came, we had good food and sister was a trouper despite being tired!

September: We're not sure what we are going to do in terms of staying in KC or heading back home to Tx since Mr. B isn't coaching here anymore. My business is running well and I still have a wait list but we're torn as to what to do. We're trusting God has a plan and will guide our steps. But we highly covet your prayers as we walk through this growing process!

I hope to get back on here more, I need to document "Squishy's" growth and changes :o) Wish me luck.

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