Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Squishy" 3 Months

How Far Along? 13 Weeks 
Total weight gain: ? Unsure
Maternity clothes? Yes & No, pulled out a few pairs of my maternity jeans and such which are still a little big yet my regular jeans are a little to tight. I'm in between!
Stretch marks? Not that I've noticed 
Sleep:My 1 year old is waking up multiple times a night and frequent trips to the bathroom make a full nights rest just a wishful thought.
Best moment this week: Getting to go to the Dr & hearing sweet Squishy's heart beat for the first time (169)
Miss Anything? Caffine
Movement: a few times I think I've felt something but nothing consistant
Food cravings: ha, french fries, veggies and veggie dip, hamburgers, really bad things this go round.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not currently- Praise God!
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope..
Symptoms: Low back pain, fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around)
Belly Button in or out? In..
Wedding rings on or off? On! <3 span="">
Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited, trying to be relaxed and just enjoy the process :o)
Looking forward to: Next Dr. appointment to hear sweet heart beat again & possibly schedule our sonogram to see sweet "Squishy" 

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