Tuesday, September 17, 2013


How do you make tough decisions? How do you pick a direction when no direction seems like the best direction? Both directions have pros & cons, both could work if you tried hard enough but how do you know?

This "season" (the past 6 months) has been the hardest and quietest season of our lives together. We knew Mr. B's staff would probably be let go at the end of the season, we felt God preparing our hearts and our heads for that transition. So we weren't completely shocked when it happened, we trusted that while God closed that specific door he would in time open up another for us to go through. We were excited, hopeful, anxious to start somewhere new. But after interview, after interview, applying for job after job and NOTHING opening up doubts start to creep in. Satan creeps in and starts tearing down self esteem, faith in God's timing and trusting in the "Greater" plan. We've done our best to stay positive, stay focused on God & his timing, plan and purpose for our life. But what now? 6 months later we are no closer to knowing where to go or what we will do..

Now our options seem limited, do we stay in KC? Do we go home to TX? You would think home would be the easy answer, pack up, ship out and get close to those who can love, support and lift you up. But while that has it's benefits it doesn't solve all of our problems. Some of our family/friends can't understand that - while we could temporarily bunk with family and eliminate our housing & childcare costs, possibly lower food costs --- it doesn't guarantee clients, or jobs that would carry us through. Currently my case load able to keep us afloat without having to dip into savings, of course that's all before "Squishy's" impending birth - - no insurance and a c-section delivery is a whole different ball game to deal with.

We still have bills to pay - loans, cars, daily living bills. Mr. B is AMAZING at budgeting and we have worked very hard living close to the line to decrease our debt over the past few years. God has graciously provided and we've been able to pay off a significant chunk of my student loans debt but we've still got "The Beast" *Sally mae* to pay down and our daily living bills.

So we're back to the question - stay: where I have a steady job & paycheck but a high cost of living and limited support or go: where I have a questionable caseload (takes time to build up a client base), low cost of living and probably more support than we could ask for?!

We've been praying, seeking God's face/direction/will for our lives. But so far we haven't gotten a clear direction on which way to go. Lots of people have opinions and suggestions but none have been clear God given directions. So for now we wait, we keep pressing forward and trusting God to provide.

It's hard to stay positive, it's hard to stay focused when it seems nothing is moving in a positive direction. It has been a challenging, faith testing season of our lives and of our marriage. I know GOD is still GOD and he has not left us, I'm just not sure why he seems so silent right now. I pray for guidance, I pray for strength and I pray for clear direction as to which direction our family should take. We are open, we are willing to go where ever God is calling us to go - we just need clear dicernable direction.

Prayer Requests:
- We all stay healthy
- God to encourage us in unexpected ways 
- God to move in our lives in a big way
- God to bring peace and contentment for where we are right now
- God to open up a job where Mr. B can be fulfilled and happy, using the talents God has given him.
- Protection as we travel for my job
- Financial assistance to pay for our "large" unexpected expenses


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