Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Squishy 5 Months

How Far Along? 22 Weeks 
Total weight gain: 8 lbs +-
Maternity clothes? oh yes, regular clothes are to tight these days
Stretch marks? Not any new ones that I've noticed 
Sleep: Starting to get uncomfortable due to getting larger and frequent trips to the bathroom - when I do sleep it's good though!
Best moment this week:  Squishy responding to Liberty's fussing by flipping & kicking - finally seeing Squishy's sweet face last week at the sono!
Miss Anything? Not being tired, being pregnant with a 1 year old gives tired a new meaning.
Movement: oh yes, lots of flips & kicks - I swear Squishy is practicing it's ninja skills
Food cravings: Nothing super specific
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week 
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope..
Symptoms: Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge
Belly Button in or out? In..
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy - every day being so thankful for how blessed we are.
Looking forward to: Hearing Squishy's heart beat again next visit, feeling more movement and growing a healthy baby!

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