Saturday, February 8, 2014

Beginning of the end....

Well here we are, at the end of Squishy's pregnancy -- I can't believe how quickly it's gone & that here in a matter of weeks (or days) we will go from a family of 3 to a family of 4. I am so excited, but terrified at the same time - all those emotions of can I really handle two little ones? How will Liberty cope? How will I divide my time? Will I ever sleep again, lol? What happens when I got back to work? Especially if Mr. b hasn't found anything yet?

The thoughts & uncertainties are daunting. But luckily, my God is good & I KnOW & I TrUSt that he has a plan & a purpose for us. So I'll take it day by day & do the best I can. :)

I'm so ready to snuggle & smooch & love all over my sweet babies -- it's going to be a crazy wild adventure but it'll be fun!!

Now the question is - will Squish hold out till it's due date or come early. I've already been having consistent contractions on & off but haven't made any progress thus far. My prayer is that we make it at least until Wednesday so we can have our growth scan done & then I'm good with my water breaking any time after that. The scan will give us an estimate of how big the baby might be & lets us know if a VBAC is even an option. My guess is that it'll show another big baby & we'll have to do a c-section for safety reasons - which is fine, I'm not one of those women who feel less because I had to have a c section, at the end of the day as long as baby & me are safe /healthy that's all that matters.

But for now - I'll enjoy my last little bit of being pregnant & soak up as much time with my sweet Lady as I can. I swear she ages by years every time me I turn around. I just don't know how she got to be so big - I keep telling her to stop growing but she just won't listen. :/ her little personality is showing more & more each day & she is such a joy!! We are so blessed.

Many things to pray for:
- continued health & safety for all of us
- water breaking independently after Wednesday
- smooth transition from family of three to family of 4
- job opening up for Mr. B as the coaching carousel begins here in the next few weeks
- Gods continued direction & provisions for our life
- peace about our finances as we are about to have to shell out a lot of $ for Squishy's birth / Dr. Visits  ...  trusting God to meet all of our needs

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