Tuesday, February 4, 2014

9 Months - Happy Birth Month Squishy

How Far Along? 37 Weeks 

Total weight gain: 20 - 30 *not completely sure at this point
Maternity clothes?
Oh yes, we've moved into the "I only want to wear tights phase of the pregnancy!
Stretch marks?
under & around my belly button
sadly, doesn't happen enough - can't get comfortable with my hip pain and with Squishy moving lower it makes moving at all very uncomfortable

Best moment this week: Getting all our stuff ready & getting Squishy's journal up to date :o) 

Miss Anything? Not being tired, not feeling like I weight a million pounds, being able to move around and carry Liberty with ease, being able to breathe - lol.

Movement: Slowing down just a little (I'm assuming cause it's running out of room) but still moving and doing dancing jigs throughout the day

Food cravings: "Junk" candy (runts, hot tamales, sweettarts), Wendy's Frosty, Chinese Food 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise God no! 

Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs:
Nope.. Braxton hicks contractions are starting to pick up but sadly no progress yet
Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge, some food aversions 

Belly Button in or out? ugh, it's out and I hate it! Can't wait for it to return to normal

Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy, some moodiness from feeling overwhelmed by work, life and the thought of a new baby but Happy most of the time! 
Looking forward to: Finally, meeting our sweet Squishy!! So ready - Daddy thinks Squishy will be early - I'd love a Valentines baby but if Squishy is anything like it's big sister it'll arrive on the day they are due! 

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