Sunday, January 5, 2014

Squishy 8 Months

How Far Along? 33 Weeks (measuring 35+)

Total weight gain: 20 + (not sure since they didn't show/tell me at my last appointment) 
Maternity clothes?
Oh yes, regular clothes are a thought of the past! 
Stretch marks?
under my belly button I've noticed a few new ones 
On & off - but mostly off - - -  having low back & hip pain at night in addition to frequent potty breaks

Best moment this week: Squishy responding to Liberty's cries and squeals but kicking and hitting 

Miss Anything? Not being tired, not feeling like I weight a million pounds, being able to move around and carry Liberty with ease, being able to breathe - lol.

Movement: ha, I am convinced I'm growing a ninja or an Irish gig dancer - moving all the time!

Food cravings: Grape Juice with sonic ice, cutie oranges or orange juice, peanut butter and lots of milk

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise God no! 

Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs:
Nope.. some Braxton hicks contractions when I get to doing to much or carrying Liberty around to frequently but otherwise no! 
Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge, some food aversions 

Belly Button in or out? ugh, it's out and I hate it! Can't wait for it to return to normal

Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy, some moodiness associated with feeling like I need to get somethings accomplished before next month but otherwise happy! 
Looking forward to: Getting all of Squishy's things together, packing bags and making plans - - not to much longer and we'll grow from a family of 3 to a family of 4!!! 


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