Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy 20 Weeks!

 Say Hello Baby Bean! <3 
It just amazes me how quickly this is all going and how extremely blessed we are. Mr. B & I just can't get over how amazing it is & how lucky we are that God was trust us with this teeny tiny person. Thank you Lord, oh so much for this precious blessing. <3
How far along? 20 Weeks -- - oh my heart, officially half way there!  
Total weight gain: 19 - which seriously blows my mind
Maternity clothes? Tights, dresses - finally upgraded my maternity jeans when I found a pair long enough (!) and on sale @ the maternity store! wohooo, no more flooding in my cheap o navy maternity jeans.
Stretch marks? none yet - keeping my belly well hydrated to hopefully avoid stretch marks.
Sleep: Can't seem to get comfy this week - :/ it's ok though, apparently my body is just in early prep mode for all those sleepless nights to come!
Best moment this week: Seeing our sweet lil Bean on the big screen again just a wiggling and squirming! Mr. B's face was priceless - our lil Bean is beautiful.
Miss Anything? Not being so winded and actually having patience with my clients.
Movement: YES! The Bean is practicing it's dance moves this week - Mr. B even got to feel a couple of light kicks from the outside! So amazing and slightly weird (but in a good way!)
Food cravings: Fruit Popsicles, fruit, veggies, salad, crispix, french fries oh and pancakes! lol. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not currently
Gender:  Surprise!! Baby Bean kept it's legs closed during the sono this week & so even if we had wanted to know we couldn't! That's fine by us, we believe God was removing temptation to find out before the Bean arrives. :o)
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Lower back pain at night, very hungry, tighter clothes
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm noticing I'm more short tempered at the end of the day when I'm really tired. But otherwise I'm still pretty good! Maybe we should ask Mr. B?! lol. 
Looking forward to: Sharing the kicks with Mr. B on a more regular basis - right now he's only felt one tiny one and I feel like the kids kicking holes in me. lol. :o) Ironing out the details of showers and new schedules!

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