Monday, May 21, 2012

6 Months

How far along? 25
Total weight gain: 21 + or -
Maternity clothes? Dresses, Mr. B's athletic shorts, maternity pants/shorts
Stretch marks? Over the hips but no belly marks as of yet
Sleep: Meh, it comes and goes depending on the night.
Best moment this week: Slow dancing with Mr. B to get the baby to settle back down before bed at night, finishing up Baby Bean's quilt finally! 
Miss Anything? Bending over, getting out of the car and off the couch without so much effort.
Movement: YES! The Bean is a break dancing machine, but it is the coolest, sweetest thing ever.  It's especially funny when Mr. B is talking to my belly and has his face close and the baby wacks him in the nose... :o)
Food cravings: Watermelon, sour gummy worms, Iced Tea (decaf because otherwise baby does break dance moves on my bladder for the rest of the night!). 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not currently- Praise God!
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Lower back pain at night, very hungry, tighter clothes, difficulty getting up and down, belly movement, 10908x trips to the bathroom throughout the day!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On for most of the day, starting to notice some slight swelling so when I get home I slip them off.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Excitement grows with each passing day.
Looking forward to: Change of schedule after next week, getting the baby book ready for the Baby Showers and heading to TEXAS in just over 16 days for my Texas Baby Shower! I can't wait!!!!! 

It's just crazy to believe we're already at 6 months. I know I say that every month but it's just moving so quickly. While I'm anxious to meet our little one in August I'm also a little sad - I'll never be pregnant for the first time again, all those firsts will be over and past. :( I know there will be a multitude of new firsts but my heart can't help but be a teeny bit sad that my first pregnancy will be over. I'm so excited to start the next adventure though - to hold out little Bean and squeeze and kiss it's little face. It just makes me so excited. 

Sigh, I'm off to dream a little dream and spend some quality time with the hubs.

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