Thursday, June 14, 2012

26, 27 & 28 Weeks All rolled into one post!

How far along? 28 Weeks currently (this post is for 26 - 28 since I forgot to get on and post!) 
Total weight gain: 25 lbs
Maternity clothes? Dresses, Mr. B's athletic shorts, maternity pants/shorts, large t-shirts!
Stretch marks? Over the hips but no belly marks as of yet
Sleep: Meh, it comes and goes depending on the night.
Best moment this week: Texas Shower & spending time with my Mamaw & family in Texas! It was so sweet to be able to share even a few days of being pregnant and hearing all the advice/love from those we miss.  
Miss Anything? Bending over,walking up stairs without huffing and puffing.
Movement: YES! All the time! It's really cool to watch my belly move up and down as the baby wiggles around.
Food cravings: I craved food I can only access at home, but that's typical anytime I'm in Texas so I don't think I can blame baby for that! Peaches, really enjoyed some fresh grown peaches this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: not currently- Praise God!
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Lower back pain at night, very hungry, tighter clothes, difficulty getting up and down, belly movement, 10908x trips to the bathroom throughout the day!
Belly Button in or out? In..... for now, it creeps closer every day to an outtie and it's making me nervous - - I don't want an outtie.
Wedding rings on or off? Off, well my diamond band is off - fingers were really swollen in Texas and I didn't want it to get stuck. Now that we're back in KC I'm able to wear my wedding band but not both. :( it really makes me sad.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Excitement grows with each passing day.
Looking forward to: Organizing all this wonderful baby stuff we've received and figure out how we're going to rearrange the apartment. :o) 

 Whew, time is flying! It's crazy! We just got back from Texas on Tuesday - after several fun filled days of family and Texas and my first baby shower it's nice to be home in our own bed but we long for the day when we return to The Republic. 

I had a MUCH harder time coming back this time then I have in trips past. Don't know if it was the baby hormones or just knowing those we want to be close to are so far away.. either way I had a really hard time coming back.... All in God's plan though, that I trust. His plan, his purpose and his timing! 

The shower was super fun! I'd post pictures but I didn't even take any - hoping my girls will share what they have once they get them uploaded! Baby Bean cleaned up in goodies! We got a whole library out of it (instead of cards the girls had people bring books for Baby!), we only had 1 duplicate book out of 35+ books! I was pretty amazed. We got a ton of disposable diapers (which will come in handy even though we are planning on cloth diapering) , wipes, blankets, go kits, pacies, bowls, spoons, etc. We got a ton of good stuff!
My aunts also got us our glass bottles & a couple of cloth diapers! I'm pretty pumped about those as well! <3  

One of the sweetest gifts was a blanket my StepMom made Baby Bean that is red & teal and includes a little red puppy that was in my Dad's nursery when he was little! It was so super sweet and by far one of my favorite gifts! Isn't it sweet! I love the colors! Baby Bean is so loved!! 

I am just so appreciative of all of the people who came or sent gifts to celebrate our sweet Bean! Every day I'm get more and more excited for he/she to make their entrance into the world! Terrified but so excited. :o) 

I'll be back later this weekend for a 7 month picture update and more details about our adventures! <3

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