Thursday, May 17, 2012

Weeks 23 & 24

6 Month update will come this weekend with pictures! <3 
How far along? 24 Weeks   (well officially 25 today but this update is for weeks 23 & 24) 
Total weight gain: 19 + or -
Maternity clothes? Tights, dresses, maternity jeans - - Mr. B's gym shorts because they are roomy and oh so comfy! I've decided I really need to invest in a few more jersey dresses, at this point if I could just wear those every day I would!
Stretch marks? none yet - keeping my belly well hydrated to hopefully avoid stretch marks.
Sleep: Meh, it comes and goes depending on the night. Lower back pain has been an issue the past two weeks so sleep has been hit or miss.
Best moment this week: Watching my belly jump and move when the Bean wiggles inside. Everything literally stops and I'm transfixed. ha.
Miss Anything? Bending over, getting out of the car and off the couch without so much effort.
Movement: YES! The Bean is a dancing machine! Def. more active after 6 pm - Bean decides to sleep during the day and then practice it's dance moves all evening. 
Food cravings: Watermelon, Iced Tea (decaf because otherwise baby does break dance moves on my bladder for the rest of the night!). 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not currently
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Lower back pain at night, very hungry, tighter clothes, belly movement, 10908x trips to the bathroom throughout the day!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On for most of the day, starting to notice some slight swelling so when I get home I slip them off.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Excitement grows with each passing day.
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment this afternoon & hearing baby's heart beat again. Finishing up Baby's quilt, and starting to purge/organize the guest room to make room for Bean. 

Funny Pregnancy Story: So, for the most part my mood/emotions have been pretty stable. I've only had to date 3 emotional bawling outbursts. This week I had my third and now looking back at it I can't help but laugh hysterically at how ridiculous it all was - but in the moment I was very upset. I want to record it so I don't forget it cause man was it funny!

** side note: we've been under a lot of stress the past few weeks with job pressure, transitioning kids off my caseload, broken cars, car shopping and deciding to stay in the apartment so I was already emotionally, physically and mentally tired when this event occurred**

As we were getting ready for bed a couple of nights ago (Tuesday, maybe) Mr. B was admiring my growing belly and made a comment about my belly button looking smaller these days. Mind you, I've always had a straight line belly button, no real dept or roundness. In response to his statement I break out into hysterical tears weeping "I don't want an outie belly button! They look weird! I want my straight line belly button!" and proceed to cry  sob for 15 minutes. 

Mr. B kindly stifled his laughter enough to not laugh in my face but calmly comforted and let me cry. Once I had calmed down he was like remind me to demonstrate how that looked/sounded to me when your in a better mood.  Needless to say, he's a sweet smart man to just ride it out with me and not laugh in my face. As I've relayed the story to a few friends this week I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard remembering how ridiculous it all was. 

Oh the joys of pregnancy and hormones. :o) 

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