Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feeling your baby move inside your tummy is an awesome amazing undescribable feeling that reminds you just how GREAT our God is. How amazing is it that we are created to carry this little life that God has formed and trusted us with! It's so humbling and I thank God every single day for the little blessing of life that is growing inside of me.

But, let me tell you...... seeing your belly move from the outside as your little one pushes/twirls & wiggles inside is like 100000 times cooler. Especially, when you can share it with your beloved husband. We just keep staring thinking "there is a BABY in there!!" How did that happen? How did we get so lucky?! <3

Watching my belly move and twitch as the Bean stretches and wiggles has been the coolest thing the past few days. :o) Everything else is running super smoothly and we are both doing fabulously. I think I've finally got my quilt top for the Bean laid out and it's ready for me to stitch up! I'm just waiting for a free afternoon or weekend to finishing it up - we've been having some car trouble and are down to one car so my nights at home are limited since I work till 7 and then have to go pick up Mr. B.  It will be done and I can't wait to post pictures of it, it's super super cute!

Baby doctor visit next week - hopefully I'll get my 6 month picture and update on here this weekend! I can't believe I'm already there - I swear pregnancy makes time double and go at warp speed. I just can't wrap my brain around the fact that my sweet Bean will be here in 3 short months! Eeeek!!

I am however looking forward to the end of May. My work load lightens and I get to head to Texas for my first baby shower and to see the family! I CAN'T WAIT!!! Hooray!

Nighty night from Baby Bean & I!

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