Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Morning Glory

Whew, what a week and it's only Wednesday!! We've been having some car trouble here in KC and it has not been fun. Our poor jeep died on the way to St. louis with the hubs last Friday and had to be towed to a dealership in Columbia. While they appear to have fixed the initial problem, it wouldn't start when we got there to pick it up so it's still there and now we're trying to figure out how to get it home. Oh the joys! lol. Life is always an adventure with the B's!!

Baby Bean is doing fabulously, kicking up a storm and keeping Mommy on her toes. Redirecting kids during my sessions is getting a little tricky so I'm having to get creative. :o) I'm def. looking and feeling pregnant these days - people are starting to make comments - lol - like "hey mama, how ya feeling" or "first baby? or what?" it's really funny to watch how peoples behavior changes when there is a pregnant woman around.

I've been so blessed during this pregnancy, I know a lot of people have trouble with a multitude of issues and I am just so thankful to God and feel so blessed that mine has been so smooth. I can't believe how quickly it is all going - I mean I'm already at 23 weeks - I feel like we just found out!

Mr. B & I were talking tonight and he felt sad I was having to endure the weight gain and some of the physical limitations that pregnancy requires - - but it's so worth it. I mean one of these days we'll have a teeny tiny baby and I won't be pregnant anymore - I'll miss those kicks and wiggles and 4009 trips to the bathroom every day. lol. I mean we plan on having more children eventually but it'll never be with my "First" baby again... I'm cherishing these moments, all the little discomforts and limitations, all the kicks and flips when I'm trying to sleep and everything in between. I was made to do this, besides marrying my husband - nothing has ever felt so right. :o)

Mr. B is so sweet. My ankles looked a little larger than normal tonight (first time it's happened) & I was quickly told to go sit and put my feet up and he would clean the kitchen! I'm one lucky girl! 

My showers are quickly approaching and I can't wait! I'm super pumped about the Texas shower in just over a month!! I'm so ready to see my family and friends and celebrate Baby Bean!! Mr. B's parents generously purchased our baby bed and mattress (we even got it on sale this weekend!) and it'll be in around the first of July! I was a little disappointed we couldn't take it home that day - just cause I really wanted to see it in the apartment but we don't need it till closer to August. :o)  I just can't wait to see everyone and celebrate with those I love! <3 <3

I've been working on Baby Bean's quilt - one of many I'm sure - and finally got the pattern down right! I can't wait to debut it here in the next week or so.. between my busy work schedule, being more tired than usual and the car trouble I haven't had a moment to finishing sewing it up!

I suppose I should gear up for tomorrow and enjoy the rest of my evening. :o)

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