Thursday, July 26, 2012


Decisions, decisions. Being a grown up is sometimes not so fun - but alas a necessary evil!! After three months of searching, hunting and countless hours of frustration we ended up deciding to stay in the apartment for another year (well at least until May). We were on a deadline to find a rent house before we had to give notice to our apartment complex (which would be this week) and just plain ran out of time. Mr. B was suppose to be recruiting in town this week so we could still look at a couple more properties but the schedule got changed last minute and he had to fly out to an out of state tournament. :( So as of Tuesday night we prayed and discussed our only two options and decided they were kind of a push, financially wouldn't save us any money, wouldn't get that much more space and if we did decide to relocate we'd have to pack up and move all while me being 36 weeks pregnant. In the end we decided we could tough it out here and pray for clearer direction after the next bball season.. God has a plan and we're holding on to that promise. While I'm disappointed we couldn't find anything that would work (and that KC has such a high opinion of their teeny tiny cracker jack box houses) it's a relief to at least know if we're staying or going.

Since making our decision and Mr. B flying out of state - I've been busy washing and organizing baby gear. Apparently my nesting need has kicked in to high gear - I'm not sure if it's really nesting or if it's just me finally getting to put things away now that we know what's going on. I have however, washed all of Bean's clothes/blankets/towels and burp rags, got them strategically set up in my "stations" for easy access in the living room & in our bedroom. Since the dresser we were planning on using for Bean is still with Mr. B's parents we'll make due (though for space reasons I'm not sure if I even want to bring it down at this point - might wait until we make our next move). Organizing makes me feel much better! Helping me feel in control when I know so many things are out of my control! lol. 

Other than being frustrated I can't move anything heavy, have to wait until Mr. B gets back into town. Things are going just peachy. Baby Bean and I are doing swell and Dr. says everything looks great. Just counting down now! :o) Whose betting Baby Bean makes an appearance before it's scheduled "Due Date"?? Which is August 30th by the way?!

Alright, back to my organizing and cleaning - tonight it's my work stuff - getting reports ready to be faxed for the next fiscal year and storing kids stuff I no longer need! Many blessings to you!

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