Saturday, July 7, 2012

Roller Coaster

Whew, things have been crazy here in our little world. We have desperately been searching for a rent house to move into before Baby Bean makes it's arrival and the search has been exhausting and very humbling. While we've found a couple we liked, they couldn't hold them for an Aug. 1st move in (which is when our current lease is up) and so we lost out of those. We found a couple more we were moving forward on and they either wouldn't work with us on the lease or leased it to someone else before we could put a deposit down. Boy are we tired of searching! We've been diligently praying for God's direction and provision and every time a door closes (even as disapointing as it's been with a few of these houses) we praise God for answering prayers and we know he's got something better in store.

Our saga continues, we looked at 3 different houses today - all within our price range except 2 of them didn't include fridges. We expected to have to purchase a washer and dryer since most rental homes don't supply them like apartments do but we hadn't really planned on having to get a fridge too. Sigh. We just keep rowing our little boat along trusting God's plan for us. Prayers for our situation would be greatly appreciated! We need all the help we can get - or if you know of anyone who has a fridge, washer and dryer in good condition let us know!!

We would love to get this process wrapped up in the next few weeks. We'd like to be settled and situated before Baby Bean makes it's arrival! I really wished that instead of house hunting and stressing these past few weeks we could have just been settled and enjoying getting ready for baby. Alas, we are the B's and nothing is ever simple...... we go big or we go home. 

Baby Bean is doing great. I've got my next doctors appointment on Monday - I'm anxious to hear our little ones heart beat and all our stats. Bean has been pretty active the past few weeks and loves to sit on my right hip area making it tough to drive! I can't believe I'm already to week 32! This pregnancy has just flow by at warp speed - it's excited and yet a little scary at the same time! It's almost over and our little Bean will be here before you know it!

Mr. B will be headed out recruiting for the next few weeks - they made changes to the rules which cut back on how frequently he can be out. So it won't be nearly as long as it usually is, which is lovely. I hate it when he's gone and with me being so far pregnant I'm not looking forward to being home alone. I'll be scheduling lots of friend dates these next few weeks. 

It's crazy how life just keeps marching on. :o)

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