Saturday, February 8, 2014

Beginning of the end....

Well here we are, at the end of Squishy's pregnancy -- I can't believe how quickly it's gone & that here in a matter of weeks (or days) we will go from a family of 3 to a family of 4. I am so excited, but terrified at the same time - all those emotions of can I really handle two little ones? How will Liberty cope? How will I divide my time? Will I ever sleep again, lol? What happens when I got back to work? Especially if Mr. b hasn't found anything yet?

The thoughts & uncertainties are daunting. But luckily, my God is good & I KnOW & I TrUSt that he has a plan & a purpose for us. So I'll take it day by day & do the best I can. :)

I'm so ready to snuggle & smooch & love all over my sweet babies -- it's going to be a crazy wild adventure but it'll be fun!!

Now the question is - will Squish hold out till it's due date or come early. I've already been having consistent contractions on & off but haven't made any progress thus far. My prayer is that we make it at least until Wednesday so we can have our growth scan done & then I'm good with my water breaking any time after that. The scan will give us an estimate of how big the baby might be & lets us know if a VBAC is even an option. My guess is that it'll show another big baby & we'll have to do a c-section for safety reasons - which is fine, I'm not one of those women who feel less because I had to have a c section, at the end of the day as long as baby & me are safe /healthy that's all that matters.

But for now - I'll enjoy my last little bit of being pregnant & soak up as much time with my sweet Lady as I can. I swear she ages by years every time me I turn around. I just don't know how she got to be so big - I keep telling her to stop growing but she just won't listen. :/ her little personality is showing more & more each day & she is such a joy!! We are so blessed.

Many things to pray for:
- continued health & safety for all of us
- water breaking independently after Wednesday
- smooth transition from family of three to family of 4
- job opening up for Mr. B as the coaching carousel begins here in the next few weeks
- Gods continued direction & provisions for our life
- peace about our finances as we are about to have to shell out a lot of $ for Squishy's birth / Dr. Visits  ...  trusting God to meet all of our needs

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

9 Months - Happy Birth Month Squishy

How Far Along? 37 Weeks 

Total weight gain: 20 - 30 *not completely sure at this point
Maternity clothes?
Oh yes, we've moved into the "I only want to wear tights phase of the pregnancy!
Stretch marks?
under & around my belly button
sadly, doesn't happen enough - can't get comfortable with my hip pain and with Squishy moving lower it makes moving at all very uncomfortable

Best moment this week: Getting all our stuff ready & getting Squishy's journal up to date :o) 

Miss Anything? Not being tired, not feeling like I weight a million pounds, being able to move around and carry Liberty with ease, being able to breathe - lol.

Movement: Slowing down just a little (I'm assuming cause it's running out of room) but still moving and doing dancing jigs throughout the day

Food cravings: "Junk" candy (runts, hot tamales, sweettarts), Wendy's Frosty, Chinese Food 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise God no! 

Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs:
Nope.. Braxton hicks contractions are starting to pick up but sadly no progress yet
Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge, some food aversions 

Belly Button in or out? ugh, it's out and I hate it! Can't wait for it to return to normal

Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy, some moodiness from feeling overwhelmed by work, life and the thought of a new baby but Happy most of the time! 
Looking forward to: Finally, meeting our sweet Squishy!! So ready - Daddy thinks Squishy will be early - I'd love a Valentines baby but if Squishy is anything like it's big sister it'll arrive on the day they are due! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Squishy 8 Months

How Far Along? 33 Weeks (measuring 35+)

Total weight gain: 20 + (not sure since they didn't show/tell me at my last appointment) 
Maternity clothes?
Oh yes, regular clothes are a thought of the past! 
Stretch marks?
under my belly button I've noticed a few new ones 
On & off - but mostly off - - -  having low back & hip pain at night in addition to frequent potty breaks

Best moment this week: Squishy responding to Liberty's cries and squeals but kicking and hitting 

Miss Anything? Not being tired, not feeling like I weight a million pounds, being able to move around and carry Liberty with ease, being able to breathe - lol.

Movement: ha, I am convinced I'm growing a ninja or an Irish gig dancer - moving all the time!

Food cravings: Grape Juice with sonic ice, cutie oranges or orange juice, peanut butter and lots of milk

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise God no! 

Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs:
Nope.. some Braxton hicks contractions when I get to doing to much or carrying Liberty around to frequently but otherwise no! 
Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge, some food aversions 

Belly Button in or out? ugh, it's out and I hate it! Can't wait for it to return to normal

Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy, some moodiness associated with feeling like I need to get somethings accomplished before next month but otherwise happy! 
Looking forward to: Getting all of Squishy's things together, packing bags and making plans - - not to much longer and we'll grow from a family of 3 to a family of 4!!! 


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Squishy 7 Months

How Far Along? 28.5 Weeks 

Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, regular clothes are a thought of the past!
Stretch marks? under my belly button I've noticed a few new ones
Sleep: On & off, having low back & hip pain at night in addition to frequent potty breaks

Best moment this week:  Being able to watch Squishy's movements as it kicks and twirls in my belly and Liberty being obsessed with touching / blowing raspberry's on my belly!  
Miss Anything? Not being tired, being able to move around and carry Liberty with ease - lol.

Movement: Ha, I'm a human punching bag most days, I swear Squishy is kung fu fighting inside me constantly

Food cravings: Cutie Oranges or orange juice, chicken lo mien - - I've felt like a hungry hungry hippo lately.  

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise God no! 

Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope..
Symptoms: Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge, some food aversions 

Belly Button in or out? ugh, it's beginning to poke out and it is drives me crazy!!!

Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy - every day being so thankful for how blessed we are.
Looking forward to: The Holiday's - - so excited to be heading to Texas for Christmas! It'll be a long drive but so worth it. :o)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Squishy 6 Months

How Far Along? 25.5 Weeks 

Total weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yup, tights & sweater dresses are my favorite!
Stretch marks? Not any new ones that I've noticed 
Sleep:On & off, having low back pain at night in addition to frequent potty breaks

Best moment this week: Squishy kicking and flipping at Liberty & Mr. B's voices or actions. :o)
Miss Anything? Not being tired, being able to move around with ease - lol.

Movement: Ha, I'm a human punching bag most days, I swear Squishy is kung fu fighting inside me constantly

Food cravings: Nothing consistent - this week it's been soups and sweets (sour candy & candy corn pumpkins)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Praise God no! 

Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope..
Symptoms: Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling hug, some food aversions 

Belly Button in or out? In.. on the verge of out though :o(

Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy - every day being so thankful for how blessed we are.
Looking forward to: Holiday's - - seeing family, we're actually going to be in TEXAS for Christmas this year and even though I'll be on the south side of 7 months I can't wait! It's been 4 looooong years since I've been home for Christmas and I can barely contain my excitement. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Squishy 5 Months

How Far Along? 22 Weeks 
Total weight gain: 8 lbs +-
Maternity clothes? oh yes, regular clothes are to tight these days
Stretch marks? Not any new ones that I've noticed 
Sleep: Starting to get uncomfortable due to getting larger and frequent trips to the bathroom - when I do sleep it's good though!
Best moment this week:  Squishy responding to Liberty's fussing by flipping & kicking - finally seeing Squishy's sweet face last week at the sono!
Miss Anything? Not being tired, being pregnant with a 1 year old gives tired a new meaning.
Movement: oh yes, lots of flips & kicks - I swear Squishy is practicing it's ninja skills
Food cravings: Nothing super specific
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week 
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope..
Symptoms: Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around), feeling huge
Belly Button in or out? In..
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy - every day being so thankful for how blessed we are.
Looking forward to: Hearing Squishy's heart beat again next visit, feeling more movement and growing a healthy baby!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Squishy 4 Months

How Far Along? 17 Weeks 
Total weight gain: ? Unsure, totally forgot to ask at appointment this week.
Maternity clothes? In between, wearing some maternity pants (regular jeans are long gone) and such but fit into my dresses & shirts
Stretch marks? Not any new ones that I've noticed 
Sleep: Starting to get uncomfortable due to getting larger and frequent trips to the bathroom - when I do sleep it's good though!
Best moment this week: Dr's appointment on the 18th & hearing sweet Squishy's  sweet heartbeat (high 140's). Having Jackson ride in the car with us this week and listening to him make Liberty laugh over and over - Mr. B looking at me and saying "this is what our life is going to be like huh? Two crazy kids laughing in the backseat" -- it'll be crazy but oh so fun!
Miss Anything? Not being tired, being pregnant with a 1 year old gives tired a new meaning. Nursing Liberty - we fully weaned this last week due to milk drying up and me being on some antibiotics for my leg. :(  
Movement: oh yes, flips & kicks. Seeing movement in my belly too - looks so weird but so cool at the same time. 
Food cravings: Specific meals: Stew, roasted corn, lots of water
Anything making you queasy or sick: Riding in the backseat of the car, I've never been carsick but lately riding in the back with Liberty on our way to work has been driving me crazy!
Gender:  Surprise!!
Labor Signs: Nope..
Symptoms: Fatigue (but figure that's from chasing big sister around, feeling huge 
Belly Button in or out? In..
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited, trying to be relaxed and just enjoy the process :o) A few episodes of short temper when looking for a response - lol.
Looking forward to: Next Dr. appointment to hear a strong healthy heart beat & FINALLY get to see our sweet "Squishy" during our sono!! 


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